Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The FAITH Generation

Last week the Lord impressed upon me that HE is raising up a new generation and this generation is The FAITH Generation. This is the generation, called by HIM, unto HIM and for HIM will be believers who will receive HIS Word and HIS promises (through the Bible). This are the people who will position themselves to receive and see the fulfillment of Prophecies upon their lives, their families, ministries and vocations.
In Joshua 6: 1 and 2, Jericho was described as " securely shut up....none went out and none came in.." In other words, something that is difficult and impossible.
In verse two we read: "And the Lord said to Joshua: "See ! I have given Jericho into your hand, its kingdom and the mighty men of valor"
Joshua received those words and it came to pass. He did not contemplate on the difficulties. The Lord is raising up people who will received and hold on to HIS promises. In Luke 18:8, Jesus said" ..when the Son of God comes will He really find faith on the earth?" Yes, the faith of many will vanish, but HE is raising up a Generation of FAITH that will be with HIM when HE comes.
My dear friends, without Faith, it is impossible to please God. Let's be part of this Generation. Walk by FAITH and not by Sight. Are you fearful of something? Are there "Jericho's" in your life? Read HIS promises, hear HIS voice and hold on to HIS promises..